Daksh Aggarwal

Brown University, Mathematics


I am a second-year math Ph.D. student at Brown University. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Isabel Vogt.

Additionally, I like using my math and CS background in studying generative modeling, and am also currently doing research in the PALM AI lab.

Earlier, I studied mathematics and computer science at Grinnell College, Iowa, advised by Prof. Jennifer Paulhus and Prof. Nicole Eikmeier. I also spent my senior year in the Budapest Semesters in Math program, and I highly recommend it.

My publications and preprints can be found here. My email is [first_name]_[last_name]@brown.edu.


Feb 13, 2024 Our new preprint investigating the stability of self-consuming generative model training is available! ♻️ Project page
Feb 10, 2024 I will be attending the MSRI Summer Graduate School on Algebraic Curves at Berkeley, CA (July 8-19)! ☀️
Jan 10, 2024 I will be attending the Arizona Winter School in Tucson, AZ (March 1-7)! 🏜️